
Clinical Roles and Responsibilities with CPOE

Clinical Roles and Responsibilities with CPOE

Any computerized order entry system is not meant to dictate how to care for patients. Instead, it is a tool like any other, to be used in conjunction with other technological aides.

While the basic tenants of high patient safety and quality of care remain constant, the introduction of CPOE into the daily workflow will have impact not only to the physicians, but to the clinical and administrative floor staff and clinical ancillaries as well.

Every hospital, and every unit within, is unique, which is why changes are not proposed until a full workflow and dataflow analysis is completed, identifying areas where CPOE will necessitate change.

Below is an example of what the various CPOE roles could become in a production-CPOE environment. Note that the biggest change is the shifting of the order entry into the computer application:


Physician Responsibilities:

Pharmacy Responsibilities:

Nurse Responsibilities:

Unit Secretary Responsibilities:

CRNA (Cert Nurse Anes), Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner Responsibilities:

Clinical Ancillary Responsibilities:

CPOE Roles and Responsibilities

Nursing Cultural Change Physician Cultural Change Unit Secretary Cultural Change
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